As someone who develops and publishes custom magazines for medical groups and companies of all sizes, one question I am often asked by customers is how to incorporate their magazine into social media marketing to maximize its benefits.
It is a valid question and here are a few points that show why company magazines are excellent social media marketing partners.
First, unless you have an English degree and love writing, creating relevant meaningful content is one of the most expensive and time consuming activities of social media marketing. However in essence, each issue of your magazine creates high quality relevant content that your patients have an interest in reading and which you can utilize with no additional effort in social media.
For example:
Your entire magazine becomes a post. You can post a link to the digital edition of your magazine on facebook, linkedin, youtube, twitter or any other social media platform your group uses. The link to your magazine can then be easily shared creating endless opportunities for increased distribution with no additional effort.
Each article becomes a separate post. Ink Publishing and Design can provide you with separate pdf’s of designed articles from your magazine and you can then make each of those pdfs a separate post. If you post once a week, the content from one issue can easily create 11 weeks+ of relevant meaningful content to post. That is more than 1/5 of your annual posts.
Second, besides content creation, another important reason magazines and social media make good partners is that they effortlessly help promote each other and therefore help grow your business. Inside the printed version of your magazine, you can promote the social media platforms your medical group uses through creative graphic design. This will create opportunities to increase your fans and followers and expand those marketing efforts. And likewise, through social media you can create excitement and expectation for the next issue of your publication’s print date by posting news on the release date and content of the next issue.
Given these factors alone, it becomes obvious why Partnering Your Practice magazine with your Social Media Marketing is a terrific opportunity and one you will not want to pass up.